Introduction of the Association
Encouraging overseas Chinese students coming back to Taiwan for higher education has always been the policy of Taiwan government. For the past 50 years, nearly a hundred thousand overseas Chinese students have pursued higher study in Taiwan and returned to home country for work, becoming the critical force of social and economic development. Since 1995, the universities in Taiwan, which have been granted more flexibility in student recruiting, have united and established University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students. The Association carries out the mission of recruiting and distributing overseas Chinese students (Hong Kong and Macau included) on behalf of committee member universities (recruiting programs include Bachelor, Master and Ph.D)
海外聯招會現任主任委員由國立暨南國際大學蘇玉龍榮譽教授擔任。114 學年度全體委員學校共 130所,由 71 所公私立大學校院、59所技職校院組成。依據海外聯招會設置要點設置常務委員會,其任務為審定招生簡章、決定各校系組各地區分配名額、成績採計標準、分發原則、錄取最低標準、以及餘額流用原則等。歷年來常務委員多以僑生人數較多、或辦理僑生招生較具經驗的學校擔任。現海外聯招會常務委員共有 25 所(公立高教 10 所、私立高教8所、公立技職2所、私立技職5所)。
UECFOCS provides the easiest way to pursue your higher study in Taiwan: One registration – various choice! Go on UECFOCS official website and register, you are able to apply up to 70 programs at the same time, and base on your scores and your preference, you will be distributed into an appropriate university. Since 2012, in addition to United Distribution method, students can also apply individually. Applicants must state 3 desired programs and submit the required documents of the university. Afterwards, applicants will be assessed individually by universities based on scores, personal preference and recruiting quota. Applicants who fail to be admitted through Individual Application method can join the United Distribution as a second chance. Having two easy ways of applying, your dream of studying in Taiwan is closer than you think!For more information, you can go on official website or get in contact with the Association:
Contact us
Phone: +886-49-2910900
Founding Principles of The Association
Overseas Joint Admissions Measures
Introduction of Technical College:
Chinese version , English version
Introduction of team members
University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students
Secretarial group
Wu Peiling
Gao Jiazhen
Zhou Kairong
University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students
Pilot Group
Lin Zhenyu
Zhou Kaijia
Xu Xiangrong
University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students
Distribution groups
Gu Meng Hao
Xu Weili
University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students
Advocacy Group
Liu Kaiting
Wu Minye
Huang Xinning
University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students
Information Services Group
Lai Wang Bin
You Zuren
Admissions undertakers
Hong Kong area
Zhou Kairong
Macau area
Liu Kaiting
Malaysia Region
Xu Xiangrong
Myanmar region
Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand test regions
Zhou Kaijia
Indonesia Regional and Research Institute
Wu Minye
U.S. and Canadian regions
Other foreign regions
Gao Jiazhen
Who We Are
Mike Leonardo
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